Who we are?

We are an interdisciplinary group of doctors, epidemiologists, economists and strategists successfully designing and implementing Market Access tools in Latin America

Learn more about us

The pharmaceutical market in Latin America is increasingly challenging: to be successful it is necessary to understand the health systems and their interest in sustainability, the regulatory environment, the challenges and incentives of the payers, and the situation of the patients

Our interdisciplinary team will be your best partner, with its experience within the pharmaceutical sector of insurance, generation of tools deriving from epidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, data analysis and administration

We will take your project to the next level of success

Meet our team

Camilo Castañeda-Cardona

[email protected]

Neurologist with 7 years of experience in consulting for generating inputs for high-impact Market Access strategies deriving from clinical epidemiology and pharmacoeconomics. More than 40 scientific publications (index H 7). Past President of the Colombian chapter of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Co-founder and project manager of NeuroEconomix and IdeaXplore

Pieralessandro Lasalvia

[email protected]

Doctor with 5 years of experience in strategy consulting in the pharmaceutical sector and technical management of projects in health economics, evidence-based medicine and data analytics. Co-founder and technical director of Ideaxplore and NeuroEconomix. PhD candidate in clinical epidemiology from the Pontificial Javeriana University in Colombia

About us

A little of our history


Creation of IdeaXplore

AUG 2017
Feb 2018


Finished developing Smartdash, RipScan and Medinfor


Consultancy services to 4 pharmaceutical multinationals in the Andean Region

Jan 2019
Nov 2020


The creation of the first 10Access online course is completed and sold to two multinational pharmaceutical companies

IdeaXplore was born from the growing need in the market to design and implement successful Market access strategies and tools.

Since its creation, our company has been strongly inclined toward balancing access to products that add considerable value to patients with the sustainability of health systems in Latin America. We have a strong focus on data analytics and digital tools to deploy our market access strategies and plans.

We work for them